
Founded in 1988 by Stepan, our company started with a simple mission: to provide reliable sales and repair services for typewriters. What began as a small, specialized operation soon caught the attention of customers who valued quality and trustworthiness in their office equipment.

A few years later, Harout joined the team, bringing fresh vision and a keen understanding of emerging technologies. With Harout’s leadership, the company expanded its scope to include computers and servers, and eventually, we ventured into structured cabling and low voltage services. These strategic moves allowed us to stay ahead of the curve and meet the evolving needs of businesses across the country.

Today, 37 years later, we are proud to be a nationwide leader in our field, providing top-tier solutions for a wide range of industries. Our commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction continues to drive our growth and success.


6691 Thimens Blvd, 
Montreal, Qc
H4S 1W2